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How to Use our Site

Click on a category on the Homepage then click on the image (right of 'What they do') you will then visit the Stores website to see the best deals available.

Special Offers / Discount Codes

Some of the Stores provide their latest special offers and some Stores have provided unique Special Discount Codes to enable you to get the discount offered. When placing your order on-line, look out to see where you need to add the code.

Click on CLick4Deals to access these special discounts.



Usually You will need to apply the Discount Code (or it may state Promotional Code) at the checkout page. In some cases the discount will be automatically taken when you checkout, this will be specified in the offer.


Direct Offers


In some cases prices are reduced so you do not need to apply any code, simply click on the link to go directly to the item offered.

The Cost Reduction is owned by the Charities Buying Group - A not for profit company helping charities save money

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